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British Embassy

British Embassy in Lisbon, Rua São Francisco de Borja, 63 , phone number 4 4151, very near the German Legation. It has been the Residence of the Ambassador and Chancery since 1833, when Charles Ellis,…
José António Barreiros
September 2, 2019

Explosives for Lisbon

In his book of memoirs, first published in 1972 and now translated from German to English by his daughter Katharine Wallace, Nikolaus Ritter , Abwehr officer for Luft Intelligence, reports on his travels to Lisbon…
Escape Route

King Carol II

King Carol II and M. Lupescu’s stay in Portugal, where they arrived in March 1941, caused some distress to Oliveira Salazar because he was the heir of the legitimate branch of the monarchy, dethroned in…

Michael Stewart

Michael Stewart, Press Attaché at the British Embassy in Lisbon, photographed at the party given when he left Portugal According to an Australian newspaper ,  he was involved in a frontier incident with Portuguese authorities…

Charles de Salis

I met him some years ago in his house in the South of England. He was a kind man. He gave me all the instructions I needed to arrive there from Victoria Station, London. After…